
documentary film - exposé

Vom Bubentraum zur NASA

Film Concept

Genre / category / viral catalys

Documentary / Career success story / Goal setting

What about statement (topic or logline)

An inspiring life’s journey of a Swiss scientist, who embarked on a quest to proof that there’s life beyond earth!


Corina: The documentary film portrays Swiss scientist Florian Kehl, a Life Detection Technologist in pursuit to find life in space. His boyhood dream to become an astronaut, combined with his curiosity about living elements outside our earth has gained him a position at one of the most prestigious Institutions NASA - the only one that can help him succeed. This film reveals his many challenges and the complexity of tools he has to develop to find even the smallest traces of life.

(Corina: If funding is pursuit the added text can be about the mars mission, more about his boyhood and how he landed at NASA. Maybe one or two pages)


New Mars missions are being launched in 2020. China, the US, and the European Space Agency are sending vehicles to explore the red planet. They will be joined by a Russian lander and an Emirati orbiter.

Film style

Personal and authentic portrait, capturing the essence of the person. The film has a simple and clean visual style.

(Corina: Interwoven with his portrait and interviews are the matters and materials that Florian Kehl is working with. The tools in this film are part of the visual elements, showing the macro and micro universe that today’s technology can reach. The tools look alien, often not what expected, they are simple in style, complex in the way they fold to safe space. They really exemplify how far technology and engineering has reached this far. Maybe more details about modern technology and outer space)

Project Timeline

  • April 2020: Interview in the public park area in front of The Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles

  • Early May 2020: Filming at work in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Research Lab, Pasadena

  • June/July 2020: Filming during NASA’s prototype field testing in Mono Lake, California

  • Release date


Protagonist: Florian Kehl

Florian Kehl is a Life Detection Instrumentation Technologist in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Chemical Analysis and Life Detection Group, working on the development of an instrument suite for in-situ liquid analysis of potential biosignatures on Mars, Europa, Enceladus and other alien worlds.

Audience & Distribution

Intended Audience


Call to Action


Distribution and Marketing Strategy


Camera work


4K, 180 shutter rule, f8<

shooting targets

Wide and MCUs of Florian and what he does


Swiss German (with English subtitles)


(Maybe add conflict: suspense and curiosity about life in space. If we find life in space what does that mean to us? It could be a problem too. We can get infections (conflict). Maybe fight over ownership, patents – starwars J

  • How did it all start (We get to know Florian)
    Florian tells how the images of the first successful Mars rover mission in 1997 started his passion for other planets, other worlds, other dimensions. Worlds that no one has ever seen or experienced before. It has sparked his relentless spirit for adventure, exploration and ingenuity. Fueled by one question: What is there to find?

    (Corina: Maybe this could have more details about starting with a boyhood dream and building up the fascination and obsession with outer space. 

    · Why was he reaching out of space? 

    · Trying to reach the impossible takes a certain character, what kind?)

  • What were some of the challenges? (The journey)
    We learn more about his accomplishments and failures before being hired by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

    (Corina: Maybe add conflict: suspense and curiosity about life in space. If we find life in space what does that mean to us? It could be a problem too. We can get infections (conflict). Maybe fight over ownership, patents – starwars)

  • Main part - His work as a researcher and scientist
    Florian shows how far the exploration of life outside the earth has progressed. What are some misconceptions the public has about detecting life in space? We get an insight into his work and will join him on a field test (Mono Lake). What is he currently working on? What are the professional challenges right now? Where from here (NASA), what is his next move?

    (Corina: Where did he plan to go as a child (astronaut), where is he now, where is he planning to be in 10 years? Maybe to mars? What is his fascination with small life in a large universe?)

  • Epilog - Advice for others
    How did his journey so far changed him and his life? What advice does he have to overcome doubt and fear?
    Florian’s story encourages people to pursue a dream. Even if it seems so naive and unreachable in the beginning. He also shares his advice on how to achieve a big goal. For example to never give up. He believes that all adults had big dreams as children. But over time many stopped dreaming. Following a conventional career oftentimes seems so much easier. And safer.


Viewer’s emotional arc

From feeling curious to being encouraged to go after a passion or big goal.


  • Location and date

  • Main characters

  • Character goals

  • What’s at stake

Techniques: Text (Title, cards, chapters), speech, VO, Action




4K or Full HD (1920x1080px), 25fps

Bios of Key Creative Personnel



Fundraising Strategy


Funding to Date


Grant Impact



Comprehensive Expense Budget



Current sample / rough cut
